
Sometimes we need to really focus on getting one thing accomplished and the 30 day challenge is a perfect tool to do exactly that.

What is the specific thing do we want to accomplish?

What are the daily Action Steps / Objectives to reach our goal?

If, at the end of the Challenge, we haven’t completed everything we set out to accomplish we’ve still made massive progress.

That’s why I love doing Challenges!

Break it down

Step 1: Write down the Challenge

Write down as many ideas as you can for the description. Ignore the AOL box for the moment. We’ll deal with that in a moment.

We want to make sure we remember what it is we’re working towards, right?

Step 2: assign daily targets

Plan out 30 days worth of Action Steps and Objectives to reach our Challenge Target.

We can use the circle to write the actual day of the month or the numbers 1-30. I prefer to use the actual date, but some people prefer otherwise. The Happiness Plan is flexible.

Step 3: celebrate no matter what happens!

At the end of the Challenge we NEED to celebrate. Regardless of the outcome!

The fact that we took the time to put in the effort, achieved a result, and learned from the experience will help us improve.

The Happiness Plan is all about small, consistent improvements… Not drastic, massive change.

Plan for small changes and celebrate those changes. That IS The Happiness Plan method!