
We’ve brainstormed a list of ideas. We’ve also organized them into the 9 Areas Of Life.

Now it’s time to narrow the field and choose the top 3 in each area.

The main advantage of doing this is to make it easier to narrow down our focus even more.

Focus gives us clarity. Clarity gives us direction. Direction gives us ACTION!

Break it down

Step 1: Choose the top 3 ideas for each area of life

From the list of Brainstorm Ideas we want to choose up to 3 for each Area Of Life.

Don’t worry if you don’t have 3 in a specific Area Of Life. It’s ok if you don’t have 3 for any Area Of Life. You can always go back and adjust later.

Step 2: Give yourself a huge pat on the back!

You are almost half way there!

Yeah, I know this step may seem pretty simple and quick. That’s the point!

The Happiness Plan is all about breaking things down into small, bite sized bits. It’s all about lowering the stress and overwhelm while making progress towards our goals!