
Writing a letter to yourself is a great way to gauge your progress. How will you know if things are truly improving? Are you really making progress? This is all about your happiness, after all.

What are your hopes and dreams? What do you wish your future self to remember about who and what you are today?

We can’t change the past, but we can address the future.

Break it down

Why is it a good idea?

As life goes on we tend to forget about the good choices, fulfilled promises, and great experiences. Sometimes we make mistakes which we don’t want to repeat.

This letter will be a snapshot of your current reality. It’s an opportunity to highlight the important things you want to remember and make them easier to find.

Ultimately, the idea is to help you to raise some essential questions and see if you are moving in the right direction.

If you find yourself struggling to think of ideas you can try a few things to help you get un-stuck:

Some questions you can aks yourself

What lessons have I learned up until this point?

What goals have I achieved?

Who helped me on the way?

How did I thank them?

Am I happy?

What is important to me?

Am I living this life true to MYSELF?

Am I spending enough time on things that matter?

Do I take enough care of my health and myself?

Share Your Current Beliefs

Family, Friends, Health, Relationships, Career, Spirituality, Finance & Money

Define Things You Want to Change in the Future

What should I remember?

What are my goals for the future?

What habits should I start to be healthier?

What relationships need more attention and what ones need to be dissolved?

What should I exclude from my life?

What should I add to my life?

What to do with the letters

Store them somewhere safe. Review them whenever you feel you need/want.

I review the most recent letter at the beginning of each 12 week cycle. It really helps keep some continuity in my often hectic life.