
The goal brainstorm is designed to get your creative thoughts flowing so the next steps in the process become easier.

Take a few minutes and write down as many ideas as you can think of. There are no right or wrong ideas at this point. Just write.

Break it down

Step 1: Brainstorm a list of ideas

Write down as many ideas as you can for the description. Ignore the AOL box for the moment. We’ll deal with that in a moment.

If you find yourself struggling to think of ideas you can try a few things to help you get un-stuck:

Use a timer

The idea behind this is that you don't give yourself time to over think anything. Some people work better under pressure than others. This may not be your thing, but you can always give it a try.

Random Idea Generator

This is one of my favorite things to do when I get stuck in the early process. Use some type of random generator.

There are a ton of different types on the internet.

Here's one of my favorites


Group Brainstorm

Schedule a time for a small group to do the brainstorm together.

One of the most powerful things you can have is a group of peers to bounce ideas off-of and generally talk about things along your journey

Step 2: Assign each idea to an area of life

Choose the most appropriate Area Of Life (AOL… NO! Not THAT AOL. I’m sure those CDs are causing their fair share of pollution.) Do this for each idea and write the 2 letter code in the AOL box.

Don’t worry if an idea could fit within multiple AOLs. We have some flexibility to move things around in the next steps. Just pick the most appropriate for now.

This will help us in narrowing things down in the next step.

Step 3: Give yourself a huge pat on the back!

With your list of ideas you are now further ahead than the majority of people.

Take a moment to celebrate. If you’re feeling brave, share your accomplishment with your Happiness Squad.

* If you don’t have a peer group yet, no worries. Contact me and I’ll set you up with one of our Happiness Squads.