
Welcome to the final objective in The Happiness Plan planning phase.

Identifying potential roadblocks!

It’s not a matter of IF we will encounter roadblocks in our quest to achieve our goals. It is a matter of WHEN.

How we handle them is one of the key components of The Happiness Plan.

Being aware of potential problems we may encounter allows us to be mentally prepared to handle them if they should arise.

It’s time to put on our thinking caps and imagine what potential problems we might encounter and possible actions we can take to prevent/overcome them if/when they do.

Break it down

Step 1: Review Action Steps

Review the Action Steps and, for each one, try and think of any potential roadblock that may prevent you from completing that step. 

You might want to ask the question, can I resolve this problem without much time, effort, or stress?

If the answer is yes, then it’s probably not a significant enough problem to document.

We’re aiming for problems that would PREVENT your from COMPLETING the step.


Let's say we have one stretch of road that is 500 miles long with only 1 gas station at the midway point. If that gas station is closed our car won't have enough gas to make it the full 500 miles to the next one.

Step 2: Review Objectives

Repeat step 1 with the Objectives we identified in the previous step. Often times we have a different perspective when we look at the Objectives vs individual Action Steps.

Step 3: Possible countermeasures

Can you tell I’m a bit of a spy movie fan?

Don’t let the word countermeasures intimidate you. It just means actions we can take to either prevent or resolve a potential problem ahead of time.

For each Potential Roadblock, try and think of some ideas that might help prevent or resolve the issue if it were to arise.


What could we do to prevent or handle the problem of 500 miles and 1 gas station if it were closed?

We can't really prevent it from being closed, but we CAN verify they are open and their business hours.

By planning ahead we can schedule our trip to ensure that we will arrive at the gas station while it is open.



You’ve accomplished something that a very small percentage of people ever do.

Celebrate this moment however you feel is appropriate.

If you’re brave, I’d love to hear about your achievement!