
You’ve got a list of top 3 for each Area Of Life. Now we are going to narrow it even further.

Choose your Top 5 Ideas from the top 3 Areas Of Life.

When you’ve chosen your Top 5 take a moment to think about why each of them are important to you.

Break it down

Step 1: Choose your top 5

Choose your 5 most important ideas from the entire Areas Of Life list.

Step 2: why are they important to you?

As I mentioned in the guide about One Thing, I urge you to dig really deep to fully understand why this goal is important to you. Not just to try new hobbies or earn more money. Why are those things currently a problem? When you understand the root cause your life will take on a whole new level of meaning.

When you understand what is at the heart of your desires it becomes much easier to achieve goals that align with those desires because you’ll have meaningful motivation when things get tough.

Step 3: Give yourself a huge pat on the back!

Getting sick of me saying this? Tough!

Each step along the way int The Happiness Plan is rooted in small step rewards. It’s the key to making lasting changes and accomplishing your goals.

How do you move a mountain? One grain of sand at a time!