
The purpose of this sheet is to keep track of things that might not fit in with our Happiness Goals.

Have a book you want to read, a new restaurant you want to try, or a movie you want to watch. Write it down here and check it off when you’re done.

Break it down

Step 1: Write it down

Forgive the simplistic explanation, but I wanted to be consistent with the guide pages.

This is as simple as it sounds.

Write it down.

Check the box when you’re done with it.

why a separate list?

The question I get asked often is why have a separate 'to-do' list from The Happiness Plan?

I used to keep everything in my head... Until I couldn't. Then I had sticky notes everywhere. I needed something simple. I started keeping a separate list for books, movies, etc... Then I condensed it all down to one list.

When I devised The Happiness Plan I didn't want to muddy up my primary focus with a bunch of other stuff. So, I kept a list of thing that didn't fit within my primary focus in a separate list.

The big advantage of doing this is I no longer waste effort on trying to remember these less than critical things and I keep my focus on The Happiness Plan.