
The Weekly planner sheet is designed to help you narrow your focus to the current week at hand.

We copy the S.M.A.R.T. Goals for the week from our Monthly planner sheet along with the Priority Action Steps you want to accomplish this week.

Plan out our daily Objectives for the week and we are set. Doesn’t mean we’ll complete the objectives on that day. It just means these are the Objectives we want to focus our efforts.

At the end of each week write a journal entry recapping the progress, roadblocks, and notable events.

Remember* The Happiness Plan is designed to be flexible. The Weekly planner sheet is only a guide to help you focus, not an itinerary set in stone.

Break it down

Step 1: Weekly goal focus

Copy the Weekly Goal Focus items from the Monthly planner sheet.

Write them down on the Weekly planner sheet in the Goal Focus section.

Step 2: weekly priority action steps

We need to determine which Action Steps are going to be our primary focus this week and write those down. Make sure you work on the Action Steps we want to focus on from the Monthly planner sheet.

Step 3: Weekly Objectives

Each day we should be focusing our efforts on specific Objectives or Action Steps. Write down our top 3 for each day.

Step 4: End Of Week review

At the end of each week we want to assess our progress and make note of anything important that happened during the week. We’ll use this to facilitate our End Of Month Review

keep the weekly handy

We'll use the Weekly reviews at the beginning of the next month so keep them handy.

Step 5: plan for tomorrow (or today if you're ambitious)

Use the Daily Planner to get prepared for the upcoming day.